Monday, June 30, 2008

Random thoughts and more...

#1- Caroline is now rolling back to front all the time. She gets mad when she is on her front too long but can't remember how to roll back...which means I am constantly having to place her on her back...

#2 I got a new job at EPJHS. I cannot believe I will be teaching in the building where I went to high school. Weird. I cannot believe we are moving back to the place I grew up. Strange. I cannot believe that we will be living in the house that my grandma grew up in. Exciting. I have mixed emotions about everything. I look forward to the change but will miss my co-workers from Kingsley. I am nervous about #1 going back to work and leaving Caroline and #2 starting a new job after having 7 glorious months off. God has had His hand in all of this. The job opened up and everything just seemed to fall into place. I couldn't have planned it better myself. I usually try to get in the way of things like this. I like to have control. But once again He has shown me that I am not the one steering the ship.

#3 We are heading to California in a couple of weeks. I am totally stoked but a bit nervous about traveling with a little one. I know it will be great and I am looking forward to a week with Auntie Sarah and Uncle Derek. I am sure that I won't be holding my daughter much that week. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

#4 I keep hearing the soundtrack to the movie "Jaws" in my head, you know the one...well instead of a scary shark coming after is the end of summer....SCHOOL!!!! I know it is barely July but once the fourth is all down hill. AHHH!!! HELP!!!!!!

#5 More pictures...I keep hearing this nagging voice to post more pictures...the voice sounds very similiar to mine. In fact when we are together we often answer each other's phones to see if our husbands can tell it is the other. It usually ends with us saying "I can't believe you still don't know the sound of my voice." They hate it. We love it. I digress. Here's more summer fun photos.............

This a famous look..mouth wide open

Katers and Caroline

Becky and Scott got engaged a few weeks ago. Congrats!!! We celebrated Becky's birthday with a little cake and ice cream.

HUGE SMILE!!! (got that from her Daddy!!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Caroline is 5 months old today...she has developed quite a personality. She likes attention, she knows what she wants, she will tell you when she wants it, she will go from mad to happy in a 1.2 seconds, and she will giggle at the silliest things. She especially enjoys the nightly show of her Mommy and Daddy dancing and singing around the kitchen. As I was driving to Target today I was thinking about my little baby girl being 5 months she shook her newest favorite toy...Bonnie the Bunny...I realized time is flying by. She laughs when you make funny faces, she cries when she wants to be held by her Mommy or Daddy, she loves bath time and eating real food, she loves being outdoors, and she loves cuddling with Mommy in the morning. I am trying to cherish each moment of our first summer together.

Here she is lifting weights...

Summer Rocks!!!

I love summer!!!! It is my favorite time of year. I love the warm weather and the hot sun. I love the smell of sunscreen and freshly cut grass. I love the pool and the sight of Charleston Chew bars melting on the pool deck. All signs of a great summer!!

The weather was a bit too chilly that day...but she looked adorable in her swimsuit! (thanks Em!)
Caroline is becoming quite fond of hanging out at the pool. She likes to sit in her stroller and catch some Z's, while her mama tries to catch some rays. Also, I am working a tiny bit at the pool again this summer. I just can't say no to that place. I am going on 9!!!

We spent Father's Day weekend with both sides...Roth's on Saturday and Wettstein's on Sunday. Bob, Dad, Will, Ted and his boys all went canoeing down the Mackinaw on Saturday. Mom, Caroline, and I hung out at the pool. We all joined up for dinner and some golf watching. Yipee! We got up on Sunday morning and met Grandma and Grandpa Wettstein at church. Caroline feel asleep in Grandma's arms and was quite the angel. We had planned a cookout at Eureka lake for the afternoon but the weather was not behaving. We ended up in Grandma and Grandpa's garage. Caroline had a great time with her Daddy on his first Father's Day. She lucked out getting one of the greatest (Mine is pretty great as well)...It is amazing seeing the man that you love with your child. There is nothing better then watching Bob give Caroline her bath each night. I love sitting at the bottom of the stairs and listen to him talk to her. I love them and thank God for his many blessings!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our Sweet Pea

Caroline had her first taste of real food besides the milk from her mommy and rice cereal. Thanks to Becky we were able to catch it on video. She really seemed to like it. She has been less then thrilled with her cereal lately. She would rather just nurse and be done with it. I was glad to see her enjoy some new flavors. Here is the video....sorry it is a couple minutes long...probably not thrilling to those that do not absolutely adore our sweet was sweet peas that she ate. Well, enjoy!